Official Residence Expenses [Department of State Standardized Regulations] Law and Legal Definition
Official residence expenses refers to those unusual expenses that a principal representative of the government is obliged to incur in the operation and maintenance of a suitable official residence.
A principal representative is a senior official of the U.S. government serving in a foreign country who has been designated by the Secretary of State. Official residence is the residence designated by the head of agency for occupancy by a principal representative of an agency.
Official residence expenses must be in excess of the usual expenses incident to the operation and maintenance of the residence a principal representative would occupy if s/he were serving at the post in any other capacity.
Legal Definition list
- Official Residence Expenses [Department of State Standardized Regulations]
- Official Residence [Department of State Standardized Regulations]
- Official Proceeding [Criminal Procedure]
- Official Poverty Line
- Official Policy
- Official Responsibility
- Official Sample
- Official Seal [Education]
- Official Visa
- Official Youth Case Record
- Officially Drawn Sample [Agricultural Marketing Service]